Monday, January 29, 2007

Flying 500' and 500 knots, or 100' and 300 knots, or 50,000-60,000' and Mach 2.0+. Sound like fun? IT IS! And, there's nothing like it in the world.

All this can be yours for the measely price of 12 hour days, a few 90 day deployments, about one every other year, but usually only if it's important, and a LOT of studying.

But, as one wise person said, if you don't love your job every day, why are you doing it? Ask any fighter pilot if they love flying, and I doubt you'll find more than one that says they don't. The 'queep' (paperwork and side duties) is sometimes dreary, but again, a small price to pay.

And, the camraderie, tradition, and purpose for being when you have a true mission, well, that makes it the best job in the world...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

What to fly?

What do you see as the biggest difference between flying fighters vs. flying heavies?
What are some of the strengths and drawbacks of each side?


Cadets, post questions here as comments on this post that you would like to see turned into new threads for discussion.


What do you like best about flying fighters?

What do you like least?

A day in the life of a fighter pilot